Marija Panzova Jandrevski


I am a creative visionary with focus on solving problems through an empathic and organizational approach. My dedication lies in transforming ideas in impressive experiences.

My mission is to craft innovative, unique, and personalized user experiences that effectively address the needs of both users and customers.

My Way Of Working


Here I focus on getting important information about business goals, target audience, industry trends and competitive aspects. I use methods such as interviews, surveys and data analysis to define design needs and challenges.

Competitive and SWOT analysis

I analyze design solutions of competing products or services. This analysis helps to identify the pros and cons of existing solutions as well as reveal opportunities for improvement.

User Personas

Based on the research information, I create detailed personas that characterize potential users. These personas help us to know the habits, behavior and needs of the users according to which we would design the product.

User Journey

By creating a detailed map of the journey users take using the product, we have insight into every moment of the user's interaction with the product, while focusing on their user goals and emotions.

User Flow

I define the paths (flows) that users can follow while using the product. In this way, potential obstacles are identified, and the design is adapted for a better experience.

Design System

I create detailed design systems including all aspects of UI, such as colors, typography, icons and styles. This helps in consistent and professional interface design.

UI Design

The final design is created with detailed elements such as colors, graphic elements, icons and fonts, while implementing the results obtained from all previous stages. Visual appeal and functionality of the interface is created.

Prototyping and Testing

Creating prototypes to test the design with users. This phase helps to identify and solve potential problems before the final implementation

Get To Know Me Better

My Hobbies

I closely follow the latest technological trends, innovations and news in the world of technology

I choosing a healthy lifestyle through exercise and walking in natural beauty

I love creating nail designs and decorations - it gives me a sense of calm and fulfillment

My Interests

I like to travel, explore and discover new places and experiences

I am motivated by the life stories of people who managed to break through and fulfill their dreams

I am fascinated by scientific experiments in physics, the secrets of planets and galaxies, and Egyptian history.

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