Marija Panzova Jandrevski


I am a creative visionary with focus on solving problems through an empathic and organizational approach. My dedication lies in transforming ideas in impressive experiences.

My mission is to craft innovative, unique, and personalized user experiences that effectively address the needs of both users and customers.

My Work

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Project: University Clinic for Surgical Diseases "St. Naum Ohridski" August 2023

Objective: Website Design for the Hospital
The goal of this project was to create a website that instills a sense of security and professionalism, ensuring that users become acquainted with the hospital's services. The website aims to:

  • Provide patients with comprehensive information about their diagnosis.
  • Offer detailed instructions for pre- and post-operative care.
  • Grant access to information about the education, experience, and availability of hospital staff...

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Project: Stobi Winery E-Shop ( July 2023

Objective: E-Shop Design for WooCommerce
The goal of this project was to design an e-shop to facilitate:

  • Online sales of our self-produced wines.
  • Enabling wine orders even on non-working days of the winery.
  • Providing users with opportunities for loyalty rewards, surprises, and discounts.

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Project Hackathon: Stobi Winery ( April 2023

Objective: Website Redesign for WordPress
The goal of this project is to redesign the Stobi Winery website on WordPress with a focus on:

  • Narrating the rich history of Stobi Winery, its wine region, and commitment to quality production.
  • Showcasing the diverse flavors of our wines, any awards received, and suggested food pairings.
  • Introducing the winery to potential external collaborators and importers.

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Project: The Scout Association of Macedonia ( March 2023

Objective: Website Design for Scouts
The goal of this project is to design a website for scouts with a focus on:

  • Raising awareness among young people about scouting.
  • Familiarizing users with the organization's programs and safety measures.
  • Providing an online platform for young people, leaders, and volunteers to become members.
  • Keeping users informed about upcoming and past events.

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